Guard Against Adrenal Exhaustion
Tiredness, trouble falling asleep at night or waking up in the morning, salt and sugar craving, and needing stimulants like caffeine to get through the day are all symptoms which may indicate that your adrenals are not functioning correctly.
Your adrenals are glands that sit right on top of your kidneys. One of their many functions is releasing hormones in response to stress. Certain things such as your diet may impact their performance.
Expecting your body to go without something substantial to eat, when you are already stressed, will only increase the problem, so make sure that you eat a little protein every 4 hours throughout the day, for example, quinoa, beans, goats cheese, fish or beans. This will help slow down the release of insulin that plays havoc with your blood sugar levels and makes you more vulnerable to the damaging effects of stress.
This is not advice for everyday, it’s for when you are feeling generally stressed and want to avoid tipping over into the more serious condition of ‘adrenal exhaustion’, which in turn can lead to additional complications.
Adrenal exhaustion generally arises from protracted, unremitting stress or exhaustion in the absence of good nutrition, so that the demands on the body outstrip its supply of nutrients.
Overall it’s important to give your body high quality fuel, unprocessed and organic, to provide the necessary ‘buffer to stresses’ and to protect your body from deficiencies in the first place.
Symptoms of adrenal exhaustion vary but usually include persistent tiredness, moodiness, cravings for stimulants, and poor physical or mental functioning.
Your natural health professional will treat the condition with wide-ranging therapies, including herbs, and specific nutritional advice.
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Articles on this website are based upon the opinions of their respective author(s). None of the information on this website is intended as medical advice nor replaces the advice of a qualified health care professional.