What are superfoods?

What are Superfoods?
Superfoods are foods which are particularly rich in nutrients and are thought to be highly beneficial for our health as a result. Many contain more antioxidants and enzymes than other foods and may support healing, detoxification, fertility, alkalization, digestion, nutrient absorption and anti-ageing. They can also be helpful for improving energy in the body, particularly for those working long stressful hours or experiencing long term fatigue.
Many green and colorful vegetables can be classed as superfoods. Beetroot for example (also nice as a juice) is rich in iron and the nitrate content may help to lower blood pressure. Berries are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants that may help keep our immune system working well, especially blueberries. Carrots are rich in calcium and vitamin A – specifically good for the respiratory system, immune system and of course, our eyes.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage have been found to be beneficial in reducing excess estrogens in the body which may cause hormone imbalances. Include a wide range of different colored vegetables and fruits for a variety of nutrients – imagine a rainbow diet!
Spirulina (named because of its spiral shape)
This is blue – green algae (single celled plant) that grows in inland freshwater.
Algaes are one of the oldest living life forms, helping to sustain our oxygenated atmosphere.
Source of plant protein (contains 9 of the essential amino acids and 9 non-essential amino acids)
Rich in beta carotene, minerals, vitamin E and B vitamins. It actually contains more iron in one serving than one serving of spinach
Contains the natural compounds phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids which may help to support the immune system
Helpful for cleansing and alkalizing the body
May have a beneficial ‘cooling’ effect for some
Source of essential fatty acids
Rich in enzymes
Contains omega 3 and 6
Acai Berry
Acai is a member of the palm fruit family, so it is therefore rich in essential fatty acids. This is why it may be good at supporting general health (as we need ‘good’ fats for our brain, skin, heart, liver and more) as well as metabolism. Due to being rich in antioxidants it may help to support the immune system. It may help to improve blood flow due to the essential fat and antioxidant content
Acerola Cherry
An excellent source of natural vitamin C (much higher than oranges). Research has also shown that vitamin C from acerola cherry has great bioavailability and therefore the absorption is improved. Additionally, it is thought to be retained by the body for longer periods of time ready to be used when most needed. Vitamin C is required for the immune system, healing, support during times of stress and lots more. Rich in other vitamins and minerals. Acerola cherry may be helpful for skin as vitamin C is required for collagen formation. Collagen keeps our skin tight, line-free and generally youthful.
Other berries are rich in vitamins and minerals but particularly antioxidants. There has been a lot of recent research into berries being excellent to include in the daily diet to help lessen the chance of developing chronic health conditions.
Goji Berries
An excellent source of iron (potentially more than some red meats). A rich source of vitamin C, more than some citrus fruits. Rich in antioxidants. Some research has shown they may contain more beta carotene than carrots.
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